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Trump: The Dictator


Trump likes the way dictators do business and aspires to emulate them.

On 6/15/18, in speaking about North Korean despot Kim Jong Un, Trump said, “He speaks, and his people sit up at attention. I want my people to do the same.” Trump admires a dictator who poisoned, blew apart by anti-aircraft guns and sent his enemies to work camps. Yet Trump has referred to Kim as “funny, smart, very talented and someone who loves his people.” Yet for decades human rights groups and the U.S. government have both revealed that North Korea has perpetuated human rights abuses; and it was North Korea that was responsible for the torture and ultimate death of American citizen Otto Warmbier. But Trump respects Kim.

Trump extols praises for other tough tyrants like Vladimir Putin from Russia and Rodrigo Duterte from the Philippines, while at the same time tosses insults at the leaders of our country’s well-established, long-standing G7 allies, such as Canada, Germany and France.

Trump is clearly following Hitler’s playbook, attempting to make his abnormal, twisted, narcissistic, altered sense of reality seem normalized amongst the ranks of his non-thinking supporters. He sees himself as being above the law. Constitutionally, Trump is clearly wrong, and this will lead to the demise of his presidency, hopefully sooner rather than later.

Trump has either fired or asked for the resignations of nearly half of the White House staff during the past year and a half, and then restocked that staff with supplicants and family members who are pitted against one another in a chaotic atmosphere of distrust and fear. Everyone then fears for their jobs, and they become beholden to Trump and fearful of disagreeing with him because that’s the only way to stay alive in their jobs.

Trump is now separating parents from their migrant children, and putting those children in “detention centers,” with
some in cages, in former Wal-Marts, all the while blaming the Democrats for Trump’s own “zero tolerance” policy. Trump insists that separating these children from their parents is the law, although it’s not. And Trump tweeted that he will do something for those kids only if he can leverage it against Democrats for money to pay for his border wall. This is just one more example of Trump dehumanizing immigrants, even though our country was built on the backs of immigrants and our Statue of Liberty holds up the torch welcoming the world’s immigrants. And Trump has even abandoned the American citizens in Puerto Rico, many of whom are still without food and electricity nearly a year after the devastating hurricane, while he has no problem finding time for golf on the weekends. This is not a president who cares one bit about the citizens of America; this is an evil narcissist who knows exactly what he’s doing and who cares only about himself and his own self-aggrandizement. Laura Bush, wife of former president George Bush, said, “This zero-tolerance policy is cruel. It is immoral. Our government should not be in the business of warehousing children in converted box stores or making plans to place them in tent cities in the desert outside of El Paso. These images are eerily reminiscent of the Japanese American internment camps of World War II, now considered to have been one of the most shameful episodes in U.S. history. We also know that this treatment inflicts trauma; interned Japanese have been two times as likely to suffer cardiovascular disease or die prematurely than those who were not interned.” Church leaders and lawmakers from both parties have called the separations inhumane.

On Monday, 6/18/18, Trump continued to falsely blame the Democrats for the forced separation of migrant children and parents
(Note: narcissists never take blame, but project it elsewhere). Trump said, “I say it’s very strongly the Democrats’ fault. The United States will not be a migrant camp and it will not be a refugee holding facility. Not on my watch.” Nice try, Donnie, but it already is your fault; it already is a migrant camp; and it is on your watch. Nothing you say or do is going to change that, including saying it’s “fake news,” that the press isn’t credible, that you didn’t know about it, that it’s either legal or illegal, or that it was Jeff Sessions’ fault and not yours.

Also on 6/18/18, Trump’s Homeland Security Secretary
Kirstjen Nielsen, says the children in the cages are not being treated inhumanely. She says the government has high standards for detention centers and the children are well cared for. Nielsen, who is 46-years-old, is not married, and she does not have a husband or children. Enough said.

Trump holds kids in cages, separated from their parents

Trump says the U.S. won’t be a refugee holding facility on his watch. Really?

Trump cannot tolerate anyone or any organization that disagrees with him. This malignant narcissist will never admit to any wrongdoing, and will blame anyone and everyone instead of taking responsibility for his own actions. In the days of Nixon, his own party stopped him when he tried to interfere with the Watergate investigation. But today, Trump labels real news as “fake news” and the spineless members of the current House and Senate are afraid to challenge him. Those reporters who do challenge him are disinvited from press briefings. When Trump gets caught in one lie after another, his predictable pattern is to either claim he was kidding (Trump: “
I was kidding. You don’t understand sarcasm.”) or he denigrates the reporter (Trump: “Hey, you are the worst.”), quickly projecting the blame on someone or something else in order to take the focus off of himself. Trump will never take the blame for anything; so no one RESISTS Trump and he goes on his merry way of destroying democracy in America. Normalizing Trump’s dysfunctional, narcissistic behavior is not good for America. Left unchecked, the country will eventually become as sick as he is.

All of this is very predictable. Trump’s techniques aren’t new. They have been used before by Hitler and Stalin.

The one sure thing that we all know is that while Trump is out embarrassing America, insulting allies, befriending murderers, ignoring Americans who need disaster relief in Puerto Rico, separating children from their parents and putting those poor kids in detention centers, and covering his own butt from his inability to keep his pants zipped, the work of the people is NOT getting done by the government, and it’s Trump to blame. Trump is not fit in any way, shape or form to hold any office that represents the American people, and we the people, the real patriots who built this country, and not Trump, will grade his report card. Unlike Trump, we’re not on our third marriage, fifth draft deferment, sixth bankruptcy, or twenty-first sexual abuse allegation. We built America the hard way, by the sweat of our brows, and not by entitlements. And unlike Trump, we real Americans all knew the words to the National Anthem before we were out of grade school. Right now, Trump gets an F.

Resist Trump now! He should be indicted, impeached and then imprisoned for the crimes he’s committed against the American people!